Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Next stop: JAPAN! :]

おはようございます! My name is Emily (Eem) and I am very grateful because I was lucky enough to be be given a scholarship, to Japan for over this summer, from YFU! It's been crazy the past couple of days! Let's see...where should I begin?
It all started in January when I filled in all the application stuff and desperately sent in my application at the last minute. I planned to try to go to Japan on a full ride scholarship only...xD Then I waited for an interview which came in February (I think). I was all ready for my interview, I had on my Hello Kittie dress, with all my Japanese "garb" at my kitchen table. The interviewer was very nice! She basically just asked me questions about why I would want to go abroad and whether I could handle being away from home for that long. The interview itself went very well. Then came more waiting...and more waiting....-_-'
Finally, in the first week of May, scholarship statuses went out. I was very excited and impatient after all the waiting I had done. I called in and they told me that I had been rejected. I was upset, but I knew that I couldn't lose it at school, so I kept to myself. That day I was miserable and not a very happy camper, but soon after my mom told me that I shouldn't be depressed and that I should move on. So I did and planned for a regular summer, lifeguarding, hanging with friends etc. Everything was going according to plan...UNTIL! Last Friday (4 days ago) YFU called out of the blue telling me that I had won a partial scholarship. I wasn't home and my mom was very tired after a hard week of work and told them that we'd talk it over and give them our answer the next Monday. Well, I was absolutely clueless and when Saturday morning came around I was just expecting an average Saturday, but boy was I wrong. My mom woke me up and told me she had something to tell me, but it wasn't that important. I lazily dragged myself downstairs to the kitchen. My mom sat down and told me that YFU had called and that I was eligible for a partial scholarship. 0_0 <---- that was me. I couldn't believe it. I was in shock. I almost started to cry. I was so happy! So my mom and I had lots to discuss over those two days. We made a list of questions and problems concerning me going to Japan. The biggest problem was school. Our school decided to strike, thus pushing back the last day until the end of June. If I went to Japan I'd miss about 2 and 1/2 weeks of school. My mom and I talked all weekend and as every minute passed by, I knew I was growing closer to going to Japan. Finally, my mom and I decided that I could go! I was SO happy! I was like bouncing for joy! I can't even explain my feelings! I was about to explode! I couldn't believe that my dream of going to Japan, a dream I'd had since 6th grade, was actually going to come true! I still can't believe it! I'm so excited!
I'm sorry that this post is super fat, but I'm planning on blogging a lot about my wonderful journey to the Land of the Rising Sun! :]



Unknown said...

So, I thought I posted a comment on here already, but I didn't get the verification thingy. Too complicated.
Em, you are one of the greatest people I know, and I'm sooo glad you got into this. I'm jealous, I won't lie. I hope you have an incredible time in Japan, and I'll keep you updated on me and the homies (but mostly me). Have an awesome time. Meet a hot guy. Hell, meet two hots guys and give the other to me! I can't remember all the things I originally put in this. (By the way, I love the fish. I'm going to make them fat. Just saying.)
All of the Awesome Things About Japan
1) The people
2) The language
3) THE SHOPPING (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)
4) The heat!!! Er, just don't get heat stroke.
5) Missing the SATs
6) Did I mention the shopping???? How about the heatt??????? I did? Oh. Disappointing.
There's probably a lot more, but it's a Friday so my brain is officially fried. I love you sooo much sweetie. Be a good girl over in the country of the rising sun, or your puppy-puppy will beat you up!!!! <3

Eem said...

haha thanks! <3 I def. will buy you something! :D!

Becca said...

OMG hahaha this is so exciting for you. I'm so glad that you got the chance to do what you've wanted to do since you were teensy tiny! Please take lots of pictures so that we can all pretend that we're in Japan with you! PLEASE do not explode from excitement before you go. That would be really bad. I know you aren't going for a week, but have the best time ever in Japan. <3

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