Sunday, June 13, 2010
Yesterday I arrived in Ishigaki! I slept basically for the entire flight! Poor Ashley! The airplane was so empty. It was crazy! haha. We got to the tiny Ishigaki Aiprort and departed the plane onto a bus which drove us about 2 minutes away to the main airport where I saw my host family above the door waving a sig, my father, and two sisters, Aimi and Yumi. It was aweosme! Ashley and I were both freaking out! :D We had to wait awhile for our luggage but it eventually came! :] We both greeted our host families and took pictures together! It was awesome! THen we parted and I went with my host family to their house. It's so cute! I love it! We got there and I met my host mom! :D After giving her a big hug I entered the house and there was a sign welcoming me! I was so happy! I quickly put my things away and then it was off to a community concert! It was all music and it was spectacular! The composer like triple-de pecs...i don't remember excatly what it's called haha. Well, after that I arrived home and I met my host brother Yuka, who was being beast at a tennis match while I had first arrived. He got 2nd! :D
We then had dinner and after that we watched some video tapes of Yuka's tennis match! :] He really was good! After that I went to bed...I was SO tired....
Today I woke up around 10:00 am. I was SO tired! I went in to talk to my host family and their friends were there. Two Americans who have lived in Japan for 30 yrs! They were there to help Yumi with ther English Speech! :] They were really nice! I was given breakfast and it was toast and it was very good! :] After that Aimi had to go take an examiniation so Yumi and Aimi left. My host dad, mom, and Yuka went shopping. IT was so aweosme!! We went to a comic rental had manga, songs, movies...etc!! I looked at the #1 aritist and of course...who other than the one and only Lady Gaga -_-....haha THen we shopped somemore and we finally ate lunch at....McDonalds!! LOL It was so funny! I loved it! Japanese McDonald's portions are SO much smaller than us Americans''s not even funny! After that we went home some friends of the American couple came over from Tokyo. They were really nice/cute! After that Yumi and I went swimming! It was so fun! We rode our bicycles there! :] It was so neat! After that we went home we played cards and then went out to dinner! It was super aweosme!! :] I haven't been brave for trying foods before but now I'm al for it! :] It's awesome to try new I can't believe what I'm saying ...*cough* typing *cough* We then headed for home and relaxed. I was able to take a Japanese shower which was ultra cool! I was able to talk to my mom and she was able to see my family! IT was great!
Now it's time for bed! I'm tired and I have school tomorrow! >-< haha help! LOL Well....oyasuminasai!
McDonald's doesn't count for new foods, babe! JK I just hope your new adventuresome food tastes carry over when you get home! Thanks for sharing all your adventures. Keep us posted. Love, Mom
haha McDonalds is SO new food! LOL Yes I am eating new things and it's crazy! xD haha
Let us know when you try raw fish, OK?
I want sushi Emmy, sushi!!! Stick some in your luggage and bring it home for us!!! Real honest-to-goodness-sushi!!!!!!!!!!! <3
I tried raw fish! I tried Salmon! It was good! :D Today I ate Taokoyaki!! It is a ball of octopus! It was good! :D haha I can't believe I'm eating all this new food! >_<
Ew, Em, you're pretty brave, I don't know if I could do raw fish. Hahaha, hope you're having fun. Try updating <3
It would be a shame to visit Japan and not eat the local cuisine, so I am thrilled to see you are taking some culinary risks!!
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